Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Contoh soal teks report,narrative,procedure,recount.

Contoh soal teks Report . Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d,or e ! Earthquake often happens around us.It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims. Actually there are three kinds of earthquake.these kinds of earthquake are commonly based on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion. A tectonic earthquake is most common one. This kind of earthquake happens while earth’s crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth’s plates. Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava,which dries quickly, when it dries quickly, it blocks the top of the volcano.This makes no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano. Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns. 1.The text is a ………………….. a.recount b.procedure e.narration 2.According to the text, earthquake is …………………………… a.eatable b.understandable c.untouchable d.bearable e.unpredictable 3. How many kinds of earthquake are there ? a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 4.Which earthquake is the most common ? a.tectonic b.volcanic c.eruption d.explosion e tsunami 5.Which one is the small earthquake ? a.tectonic b.volcanic c.explosion d.ocean e.tsunami Contoh soal teks narrative(horror story). Little Jimmy lived with his mother and father in a big house. He slept on one side of the wing while his parents slept on the other side. But, he wasn’t scared. He had a TV, a radio, and a toy robot. Sometimes when he couldn’t go to sleep, he would watch TV, or listen to his radio, or play with his toy robot. Well, one night, he was about to go to sleep. The TV went on.He stared at it. Then, it turned off. He thought that was strange, but still tried to go to sleep.Then, the radio went on. He started to get a little frightened. Suddenly, a deep, loud voice spoke over the music saying, “Get out of my room.” Now he was really scared. He hid under the covers when he heard a noise. He looked up and saw his toy robot walking around the room. It stopped and stared at him. He looked at his right and the remote was floating in midair ! He jumped out of his bed crying and screaming. But, before he could reach the door, it shut locked on him ! Since the lock is outside the door, he couldn’t get out. His mother was passing and heard him screaming. She ran to him and screamed, “Jimmy ! Jimmy!” The lights turned off and on. The window opened and closed. And the closet opened and closed. The TV,radio, and toy robot went crazy.Then, the voice came to him again saying, “Get out of my room !” He screamed and cried. Finally, it all stopped and his mother ran to his side and carried him back to their room. The next night Jimmy was gone. No one could find him. Source : 1.Did Jimmy sleep alone ? a.No, he isn’t b.No,he wasn’t c.No,he didn’t d.Yes, he is. e.Yes, he did. 2.Why was it strange in the boy’s room ? It was strange that ………………….. a.the TV was moved. c.the door was locked e.the water was flowing. b.the toy robot was moved. d.the radio was turned down. 3.What made the boy frightened ? a.A ghost came up in front of him. b.A wild monster scared him. c.Someone came and helped him. d.The house was too big for him. e.The door shut locked on him. 4.He started to get a little frightened. What is the synonym of frightened ? a.dreadful b.harmful c.colourful d.plentiful e.faithful Contoh soal teks procedure. How to operate a blender 1. Make sure the switch is off. 2. Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed. 3. Put the lid on. 4. Place the container on the motor housing. 5. Plug in the cable. 6. Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision blending. When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for adding things in the middle of the blender lid. 7. After grinding, press the switch off. 8. Unplug the cable. 1.The text belongs to ………………………..text. a.recount b.Procedural c.narrative item e.descriptive 2.What is the goal of the text ? a.How to make a cup of coffee. d.How to make fried rice. b.How to make cupcakes. e.How to operate a blender. c.How to operate a fan. 3.Are there any ingredients ? a.Yes, there are. c.Yes, there is. e.No,there isn’t. b.No, there aren’t . d.No, they aren’t. 4.What does the manual tell you ? a.How to grind coffee beans. d.How to operate a mixer. b.How touse a blender. e.How to insert a cord. c.How to make use a fridge. 5.What do you do when you want to add seasonings ? the lid. the small closure on the lid. c.Plug in the cable. d.Place the container on the motor housing. e.Unplug the cable. Contoh soal teks recount Last Sunday, I went to Gembira Loka Zoo.In Yogya.I went there with my teachers and classmates on school holiday. Arriving there, there had already been so many visitors. Most of them were students. They were spending their holiday.we saw many kinds of animals from from our country and foreign countries.Most of them were in cages. In the middle of the zoo, there was a river with various flowers on its bank and some souvenirs sellers. After three hours of walking around the zoo,we felt very tired and take a rest. In the afternoon, we went home at 02:00 o’clock p.m. We arrived at Solo at 05:00 p.m. Next holiday,we plan to visit Surabaya. But, we are not going to take a bus anymore. We plan to go there by train. We felt very happy. 1.Did the writer go to Gembira Loka Zoo last Sunday ? a.Yes, he does. c.No, he didn’t . e.No,she didn’t. b.Yes, he did. d.No,he does. 2.Where is the zoo located ? a.In Surabaya. c.In Denpasar. e.In Yogyakarta. b.In Jakarta. d.In Solo. 3.How did the writer get there ? a.By train b.By bus c.By car d.By bike e.By motorbike 4.How long were they in the zoo ? a.1 hour b.2 hours c.3 hours d.4 hours e.5 hours 5.The text belongs to …... a.fable b.recount d.narrative e.legend

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