Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Romeo And Juliet The quarrel between two feuding families in Verona, the rich Capulets and the Montagues, grew bad even deadly. One day, Old Lord Capulets invited all the noble people in Verona, except the Montagues, for a dinner at his house. Romeo Montague knew that Rosaline, the girl whom he admired, was at the feast. Therefore, he and his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, went there in masks hoping to see her. But,Romeo was suddenly struck with the exceeding beauty of another lady whom he saw dancing there. After the dance, Romeo watched the place where the lady stood; under favour of his masking habbit, took her by the hand and kissed it, but the lady was unfortunately called away to her mother. Knowing that the lady was young Juliet, a daughter and heir to the Lord Capulet, the great enemy of the Montagues, troubled Romeo.Juliet shocked when she found that the gentleman whom she had talked to Romeo, a Montague. At midnight, Romeo and his companions departed. But, Romeo leaped the wall at the back of Juliet’s house. Juliet cried out her heart and said, “O, Romeo, Romeo! Where are you, Romeo?” “Look kind on me,lady, because I can’t live without your love,”said Romeo. “How come you into this place,”said Juliet, startled “and by whose direction ?” “Love directed me, “answered Romeo. She said three or four words more to Romeo that if his love was indeed honorable, she would send a messenger to him tomorrow to appoint a time for their marriage. So, in the morning their hands were joined in a holly marriage. Questions: 1.Where is the setting of the story ? It is in ………… a.Napel b.Roma c.Cagliari d.Verona e.Vicensa 2.Who is the main character ? a.Bonvolio b.Matteo c.Phillipo d.Alessandro e.Romeo 3.What is the conflict of the story ? a.Juliet is the daughter of the Chapulets. b.Juliet is the daughter of the Montagues. c.Bonvolio fell in love. d.Mercutio wore a mask. e.The Chapulets held a dinner. 4.One day, Old Lord Capulets invited all the noble people in Verona… The synonym of noble is …… a.honorable b.applicable c.feeble d.grumble e.enable 5.Therefore he and his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio… The word his refers to …… a.Benvolio b.Montague c.Capulet d.Romeo e.Rosaline 6….Romeo watched the place where the lady stood; under favor of his masking habbit, he took her by the hand… The word her refers to ….. a.Benvolio b.Juliet c.The queen d.Rosaline e.Angeline 7.Why did Romeo feel worried of Juliet ? Because ……. a.she was a Montague d.he was a Mercutio b.she was a Capulets e.he was a citizen of Verona. c.he was beautiful. 8.At midnight, Romeo and his companions departed. The synonym of companions is … a.foes b.enemy c.fares d.hoes e.fellows 9.She would send a messenger to him tomorrow to appoint a time … The synonym of appoint is… a.arrow b.arrested c.arrange d.arrived e.artificial 10.The moral value of the story is ….. a.His masking habbit made him joined the feast. b.Love might join two quarrelling groups. c.The feast can make the noble families united. d.Love can encourage the noble families. e.Holly marriage is the primary objective.

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