Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Man Dies of Suspected Bird Flu INDONESIA, A 56 years old man has died in hospital of suspected bird flu, which claimed at least three lives in the country, an official said on Saturday. “The man, Ramdani died last night from severe pneumonia and kidney failure” said Ilham Patu, a spokesman for Jakarta’s Saroso Hospital. The Jakarta resident showed symptoms of bird flu after being admitted to the hospital on Monday but the result of his first result was negative, Patu said. Ramdani’s death brings to six the number of people suspected of dying of the deadly H5Ni virus, but who are not officially listed as bird flu victims. The government has confirmed three deaths from bird flu, based on local test and confirmation from World health Organization facilities in HongKong since the first case of human infection was Found in the country in June-AFP 1.Ramdani died because of …. a.bird flu b.kidney failure c.H5N1 d.severe pneumonia e.heart attack 2.The writer got the news from …….. a.Ramadani b.Ilham Putu c.government office e.World Health Organization 3.”The Jakarta resident showed …..(paragraph 3). The synonym of resident is ……. a.citizent b.population c.official d.patient e.government 4.What is the social purpose of the text ? The purpose is to inform the readers …… a.about the danger of bird flu. c.about the bird flu victim . e.the effort to prevent bird flu. b.that the bird flu is dangerous. stay away from the bird flu victims. 5. text belongs to …….. b.recount c.descriptive item e.narrative

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