Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Nowadays there are many houses that are built on productive ricefields. This fact really has some negative effects. First, if a new building built on a productive ricefield, the number of farm fields will decrease. Then, the production of food will also reduce. Second, farmers will loose the source of income and go to cities to look for jobs they are not skilled at. Third, if the production of food reduces, we must import rice from other countries to fulfil; our needs. Based on these facts, I think people should not build houses on productive fields. Instead, they can build their houses on unproductive land or just build attics on their old houses. Adapted from:Marta Yuliani, M.Purwati, English for A Better Life for Senior High School Students Grade XI Socialand Science Studies,Bandung, Pakar Raya, 2006. 1.Building houses on productive ricefields has some negative Effects. This is a ……of the text. a.reason b.argument c.event d.statement e.background 2.First, if a new building built on a productive ricefield, the number Of farm fields will decrease. This is an …….of the text. a.source b.steps c.title d.argument e.statement 3.Which statement below is true according to the text ? a.People can freely build their houses. b.People can build hotels everywhere. c.The government must build houses for the poor. d.People should build their houses on unproductive land. e.The government should give free education for its citizens 4….the number of farm fields will decrease… The antonym of decrease is …. a.increase b.insist c.interest d.introduce e.intelligence 5.The text belongs to ….text. a.legends b.fable c.myth d.hortatory exposition e.information report

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