Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Many years ago, there lived in Madura, Ragapadmi, a beautiful young woman, wife of a king. She won fame for being the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. But, all of a sudden, she began to suffer from a disease. It spoiled her skin which before was as smooth as silk. All medicine was useless. Nobody could cure her. The king made a decision. He made her leave the palace and sent her away with Bangsacara, his favourite courtier. He ordered them to marry. Bangsacara wanted to reject Ragapadmi because she was sick. But, he was afraid of the king. Therefore, he asked his mother to let Ragapadmi stay patiently to take good care of Ragapadmi and tried to cure her. Before long, Ragapadmi really recovered. When Bangsacara returned to the village a week later, he was very surprised to find that Ragapadmi had recovered.She was even more beautiful than she had been before. Soon, they fell in love with each other and they lived in the village happily. After Bangsacara and Ragapadmi married, Bangsacara often forgot his duty and did not go to the palace. The king became very angry with him. When his prime minister told him that Ragapadmi had recovered and she was even more beautiful, the king wanted to reclaim her. With the prime minister’s help, he tried to find a way to kill Bangsacara. He told him that there was a dangerous enemy on a small island to the south east of Madura. He told him to go there to fight him. Actually, there was no enemy. Instead, there were the king’s soldiers who killed him as soon as he arrived. 1.Was Ragapadmi a beautiful young woman ? a.No, she was b.No, he was c.Yes, she was d.Yes, he was e.Yes, she was not 2.What did she begin to suffer from ? disease b.sore eye c.ear disease d.sore throat e.pneumonia 3.Who made Ragapadmi leave the palace ? a.the soldier b.the queen c.the minister d.the judge e.the king 4.Whom did the king tell to marry Ragapadmi ? a.Wijaya b.Wiraraja c.Bangsacara d.Bangsamiun e.Kertajaya 5.Why did Bangsacara refuse to marry her ? It is because she was ……….. a.beautiful b.well c.fat d.unwell e.pretty 6.Whom did he ask to take good care of Ragapadmi ? a.his mother b.his father c.his uncle d.his granny e.his aunty 7.Why was Bangsacara very surprised to see Ragapadmi ? It is because ………… a.she was more beautiful than before. c.she was fatter than before. e.she was taller than before. b.she was slimmer than before. d.she was sweeter than honey. 8.Why did the king get very angry with Bangsacara ? It is because ……………… a.he was in a day off. c.he had to plough the field. e.he had to harvest the paddy. b.he was very brave. d.he forgot his duty. 9.Why did the king try to kill Bangsacara ? It is because ……………… a.the king demanded the woman back. c.Bangsacara was a badboy. e. the prime minister was greedy b.the people hated him. d.the villagers really liked him. 10.What kind of ending does the story have ? a.good b.happy c.sad d.interested e.impressive 11.The text belongs to ……………..text. a.recount b.procedure item e.narrative 12.What is the social purpose of the text ? a.Entertaining the readers. c.Giving instruction to the readers. e.Discussing a case. b.Giving information to the readers. d.Entertaining readers using a twist. 13.The following characters are antagonistic. Except ………… a.the king b.the queen c.the prime minister d.the soldiers e.the enemy 14.When his prime minister told him that Ragapadmi had recovered… (paragraph 4). The underlined word refers to ……………. a.Ragapadmi b.Bangsacara c.the King d.the mother e.the Prime minister 15.The moral lesson of the story is …………….. a. Physical appearance may deceive us. c.Playing a trick is important. e.The haves can suppress the poors b.We must choose a beautiful wife. d.We must obey a king.

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