Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Making A Kite Things you need: 1. 3 pieces of cane (2 x 60 cm, 1x80 cm). 2. Thread. 3. Large sheet of strong paper. (e.g. tissue) 4. Soft pencil. 5. Scissors. 6. Paint and paint brush. 7. Glue. 8. Strong string. What to do: The frame. 1. First, dampen cane to make flexible. 2. Then, carefully, bend cane to desired shape, then tie securely with thread. The covering. 3.Lay frame on sheet of paper. 4.Trace around frame with pencil. 5.Cut covering approximately 1 cm larger than outline. 6.Paint bird on covering. 7.When paint gets dry, place frame on painted side. Now fold edges of Covering over the frame carefully, and then glue them. The bridle. 1.Cut 3 pieces of string. Each 20 cm long. 2.Secure one end of each string tightly to frame at the shoulders and tail of The bird. 3.Finally, tie the other end in a knot. 1.What is the goal of the text ? a.Making fried noodle. d.Making fried rice. b.Making a kite. e.Making fried bananas. c.Making chicken barbecue. 2.According to the text, you need……. a.flour. b.corn c.lettuce d.thread e.needle 3.According to the text, you don’t need …… a.glue b.string c.scissors d.oxtail e.paint 4.What do we dampen the cane for ? a.In order to make it flexible. d.In order to make it sweet. b.In order to make it straight. e.In order to make it curly. c.In order to make it. 5.The text is a …………………text. a.procedure b.recount c.narrative d.descritive e.legend

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