Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Contoh soal teks analytical exposition,

Most of us have facebook accounts, right ? It helps us communicate with friends. However, in fact, this social network has greater bad effects. You know, facebook can make us addicted. Here are the reasons. First, you will forget your main duty when you chat with friends in the facebook. You will lose your time. Second, you make gossips and talk something unnecessary. Third, suppose you send something secret or personal to your close friend. You don’t realize that all your friends in the facebook may read it. This would make you embarrassed . Fourth, you will lose a lot of money when you use mobiles because it needs credits. On the other hand, your parents may pay some extra money for the electric bill because you use your computer at home. Fifth, you may become cyber crimes’ victims. So, let’s watch over our time when we chat in the facebook. Spend our time effectively. 1.The text shows contra to …………………… a.pollution b.recycling food d.piracy e.facebook 2.However, in fact, this social network has greater bad effects. (line 2) The sentence is called ………. a.a thesis argument c.a reason d.a reiteration advice 3.How many reasons does the writer propose ? b.two c.three d.four e.five 4.If we send something personal to our close friend, it may make us embarrassed. Why ? It is because ……………. a.we may become cyber crimes’ victims. c.we can spend our time effectively. makes us addicted. b.we may forget our main duty. d.all of our friends in the facebook may read it.. 5.The social purpose of the text is ……………….the readers. a.entertaining information to instruction d.persuading e.arguing a case 6.This would make you embarrassed. (line 5) The synonym of embarrassed is ………….. a.lazy b.happy c.brave d.afraid e.ashamed 7.It helps us communicate with friends. (line 1) The synonym of communicate is …………… touch with b.concern c.compete d.comprehend e.compliment 8.Spend our time effectively. (line 8) The synonym of spend is …………………… a.understand b.undergo c.use up d.useless e.undress Do you know that smoking is very dangerous for you ? It can lead to both major and minor health problems for the smokers. A smoker inhales a substance which contains 43 carcinogenic compounds. What is carcinogen ? It is a compound which causes cancer. Moreover, a smoker also inhales four hundreds other toxins including nicotine and tar ! Nicotine leads to smoking addiction. Tar clogs the lungs and inhibits the body’s capacity to breathe. It causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis and lung disorders. Another thing is people who don’t smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking through breathing in second-hand smoke from smokers’ cigarette. There may still be smoke particles in the air even if it doesn’t seem smoky. Let me tell you about the dangers of passive smoking. Particles from smoke in the air are smaller than that of drawn directly from a cigarette. They can penetrate deeper into the lungs. A non-smoker who lives with a smoker may be exposed to about 1% of their tobacco smoke from passive smoking. This can increase their chances of developing lung cancer or dying from a heart attack. The same thing happens to people who work in a smoky atmosphere. These are the reasons why smoking are very dangerous. 9.According to the writer, is smoking very dangerous ? a.No, it is not. b.No, she is not c.Yes,is. d.yes, he is. e.yes, it is not. 10.How many carcinogenic compounds are there in a cigarette? a.42 b.43 c.44 d.45 e.46 11.What does nicotine cause to ? a.addiction b.headache c.dizzy d.drunken e.sore eye 12.It causes lung and throat cancer… (paragraph 1) The word it refers to…………….. a.smoker b.pipe c.particle d.atmosphere e.tar 13.Does a smoker make a passive smoker suffered ? a.Yes, he does. b.Yes, he was c.Yes, it is d.No, he doesn’t e.No, she doesn’t 14.Why does a passive smoker increase the chances of developing lung cancer ? It is because ………. a.he may be exposed to about 1 % of their tobacco smoke from passive smoking. b.A smoker inhales 43 carcinogenic compounds. c.A smoker inhales tar and nicotine. d.people who don’t smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking. is a compound that causes cancer. 15.The text belongs to an ………………………………text. a.information report item c.spoof d.procedure e.analytical exposition

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