Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Most people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Indra and Andri, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ a great deal in appearance and lifestyle. Indra, the younger one, has long curly hair and a beard. He is quite thin and tall. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. Sometimes he looks untidy. He is a university student. Since the university is near our home. He rides his bicycle to school. In his free time, Indra goes to the movies and plays soccer. My brother Andri, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Indra. He has shorter , straighter hair. He has a moustache but no beard. He is well built, but slightly shorter than Indra. His clothes are also more conservative than Indra’s. As he works in a bank, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives a car to his downtown office. In his spare time, he goes bowling and plays chess. My friends cannot believe that Indra and Andri are twin brothers because they seem so different. 1.Does Indra have a moustache ? a.Yes,he does c.Yes,she does e.No.he doesn’t b.Yes, he is d.No, she isn’t 2.Does Indra have straight hair ? a.Yes,she do c.No,she don’t e.No,he doesn’t b.yes,he does d.No,he don’t 3.Who likes bowling ? a.the writer b.Indra c.Andri d.her father e.her mother 4.From the text, we can make a conclusion that ….. a.Indra and Andri are similar. d.Two sisters can be similar. b.Two brothers are similar. e.Twin brothers may be different. c.The writers are twin. 5.The text belongs to …… a.narative story c.procedure d.description e.recount

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