Rabu, 25 Mei 2016


source:http://www.cassandraclare.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.tips b.notice c.postcard d.advertisement e.news item 2.What is the text about ? a.the sender was in Egypt b.Isabelle was in Egypt c.Magnus was in New York d.Alec was in New York e.The pyramid was in New York 3.Who sent the postcard ? a.Isabelle b.Egypt c.New York d.Bryan e.Alec and Magnus


source :http://www.sekolahoke.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.memo b.notice c.label d.tips e.invitation 2.What is thext about ? a.food supplement b.package tour c.meeting report d.new policies e.birthday invitation 3.Who held the party ? a.Robin b.Ruben c.Robby d.Teddy e.Edward


source :http://www.weeksandleo.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.postcard b.announcement c.advertisement d.label e.invitation 2.What is the product offered ? a.milk for baby b.stationery c.furniture d.vegetables e.dietary supplement 3.How much is the content of chondroitin sulfate in the supplement ? a.100 mg b.200 mg c.300 mg d.400 mg e.500 mg


source :http://www.wikihow.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.notice b.memo c.postcard d.label e.banner 2.What is the text about ? a.new cloth b.new manager c.new policies d.new employee e.new office 3.Who gave the memo ? a.Kevin Smith b.Will Smith c.Jemar Black d.Employee e.Company


source:http://www.digitalprint.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.notice b.banner c.label d.tips e.postcard 2.What is the text about ? a.offer of expensive cars b.offer of education abroad c.offer of package tour d.offer of two storeys house e.offer of merchandise 3.Where is the house located ? a.near a market b.by the river c.near a school d.near a lake e.near a stadium
source :http://www.digitalprint.com 1.What is the text about ? a.offer of two storeys house b.offer of lake-view c.offer of expensive cars d.offer of tour package e.offer of golf course 2.What is the genre of the text ? a.spoof b.news c.banner d.notice e.postcard


     Sabtu kemarin (9 Mei 2015), sekolah saya kedatangan tamu foreigners dari Australia, AS dan Kanada. Mereka diberi kesempatan berbicara di depan kelas kepada siswa-siswi saya. Saya bertugas sebagai interpreter. Para tamu tersebut terlihat antusias. Begitu juga para siswa saya.
      Kehadiran foreigners yang merupakan native speakers sungguh meninggalkan kesan bagi siswa-siswi dan menyegarkan suasana. Nilai kehadirannya melampaui keberadaan sebuah laboratorium bahasa yang saya rindukan kehadirannya. Lagipula, mendatangkan guru bahasa Inggris yang merupakan native speaker sungguh mahal biayanya. Untuk sementara ini, sekolah saya tidak mampu melakukannya. Jadi, kedatangan keempat tamu tersebut seperti hujan di padang pasir, sesuatu yang sangat menyegarkan.


source:http://www.nurinuryani.wordpress.com 1.What is the genre of the text ? a.advertisement b.postcard c.memo d.notice e.announcement 2.What is the text about ? a.singing b.dancing c.drawing d.camping e.swimming 3.Who gave the announcement ? a.the principal b.the coach c.the scouts d.the village chief e.the chief of scout 4.How long would the camp last ? a.less than three days b.three days c.more than three days d.more than a week e.more or less a week

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


1.What is the text about ? a.shopping b.swimming c.hiking d.singing e.meeting 2.What is the genre of the text ? a.notice b.memo c.letter d.notice e.advertisement


1.What is the picture above ? a.advertisement b.announcement c.notice d.memo e.label 2.What is it about ? a.to keep clean b.birthday party c.meeting invitation d.to announce e.to sell something 3.Where do you usually find that picture ? a.in a field b.in a lawn c.on a grass d.on a tree e.in a pool


Vacancy Company Accountant Expanding wholesaler of stationary and office equipment requires: A responsible accountant to run the company finance with good salary And good working condition for good applicant. Apply with a curriculum vitae to: Mrs Barton Office Equipment World & Efficiency Works PO BOX 36 Whistle Woods UK 1.In which section would you likely read the ads ? a.company for sale. c.job vacancy. e.stationary and office. b.office equipment. d.entertainment guide. 2.”Apply with the curriculum vitae to Mrs Barton.” What information should the applicant include in it ? a.experience in managing company. d.a statement of responsibility. b.a statement of salary wanted. e.a statement of education and work experience. c.A proof of knowing about stationary. 3.”A responsible accountant to run…” (line 4). The synonym of responsible is …… a.trustworthy b.truth c.truthful d.tuber e.tuition 4.”…to run the company finance…” Finance means the management of …… a.administration b.company c.money d.personal e.research 5.”Apply with curriculum vitae to…” The synonym of apply is …. a.appreciate b.appetite c.appointment d.ask for e.asylum


Man Dies of Suspected Bird Flu INDONESIA, A 56 years old man has died in hospital of suspected bird flu, which claimed at least three lives in the country, an official said on Saturday. “The man, Ramdani died last night from severe pneumonia and kidney failure” said Ilham Patu, a spokesman for Jakarta’s Saroso Hospital. The Jakarta resident showed symptoms of bird flu after being admitted to the hospital on Monday but the result of his first result was negative, Patu said. Ramdani’s death brings to six the number of people suspected of dying of the deadly H5Ni virus, but who are not officially listed as bird flu victims. The government has confirmed three deaths from bird flu, based on local test and confirmation from World health Organization facilities in HongKong since the first case of human infection was Found in the country in June-AFP 1.Ramdani died because of …. a.bird flu b.kidney failure c.H5N1 d.severe pneumonia e.heart attack 2.The writer got the news from …….. a.Ramadani b.Ilham Putu c.government d.an office e.World Health Organization 3.”The Jakarta resident showed …..(paragraph 3). The synonym of resident is ……. a.citizent b.population c.official d.patient e.government 4.What is the social purpose of the text ? The purpose is to inform the readers …… a.about the danger of bird flu. c.about the bird flu victim . e.the effort to prevent bird flu. b.that the bird flu is dangerous. d.to stay away from the bird flu victims. 5. text belongs to …….. a.report b.recount c.descriptive d.news item e.narrative


There was an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman, who were unfortunate enough to be captured in the desert by a band of Bedouin. All of their valuables are taken awa and the chief of the robber band informed them that they were to be executed by a firing-squad at dawn. During the night the three captives discussed how they might get out of their tough situation. “I’ve heard,” said the Englishman, “that the Bedouin are terrified of natural disasters – they think that natural disasters are the punishment of God. That might just save us.” At dawn, the Englishman was facing the firing-squad. Just as the robber chief was about to give the signal to shoot, the Englishman looked over their heads and shouted, “A sandstorm !” Immediately there was a confusion and panic, and the Englishman was able to escape. But, the next morning, the Scotsman was also facing the firing-squad, and just as the Bedouin chef was about to give the signal to shoot, the Scotsman looked to the right and shouted, “Flood !” Immediately there was further confusion and panic, and the Scotsman also was able to escape. The following morning, it was the Irishman’s turn to face the firing-squad. Just as the firing-squad was awaiting the signal to shoot, the Irishman looked to the left and shouted, “Fire …!” QUESTIONS 1.Who were the characters in the story ? a.A Sweddish and a Spanish c.An American and an Indian e.An Englishman and a Scotsman b.A Korean and a Japanese d.A Javanese and an Aussie. 2.What happened with the three men ? a.They were captured by a band of Bedouin. d.They were having a chat. b.They were having a party. e.They were playing music. c.They captured a band of Bedouin. 3.What are the Bedouins terrified of ? a.An enemy b.Wild animals. c.Natural disasters. d.Canon and rifle. e.Navy fleet 4.Why did the Bedouin get confused and panic ? a.Because they thought that a sandstorm was coming. b.Because they thought that enemy was coming. c.Because they thought that they would loose in a game. d.because they thought that they won the game. e.Because they thought that lions and crocs attacked them. 5.The followings are some adverbs of time in the passage : a.The punishment of God. c.In the desert. e.Further confusion and panic. b.At dawn and the next morning. d.Unfortunate enough. 6.How was the Englishman able to escape ? a.By shouting “a sandstorm” c.By shouting “flood”. e.By shouting “Eureka” b.By shouting “fire”. d.By singing a popsong 7.How was the Scotsman able to escape ? a.By shouting “a sandstorm”. c.By shouting “flood”. e.By shouting “well done” b.By shouting “fire”. d.By jumping. 8.How does the story end ? a.When they came to a river. c.When they took a rest. e.When they arrived at a beach. b.When the Irishman shouted “fire” d.When the Spanish shouted “damn”. 9.Which one of the followings is the twist of the passage : a.When the three men were captured by the Bedouin. b.When the Englishman shouted “sandstorm”. c.When there was a confusion and panic. d.When the three men were discussing the solution of the problem. e.When the Irishman shouted “fire” and the Bedouin shot him. 10.What is the genre of this text ? a.Spoof . b.Report. c.Narrative . d.Hortatory exposition. e.Analytical exposition.


There is something special every day at Bali Tours New Year Holiday Package 30 December 2011-2 January 2012 Starting from Rp 2,000,000 A package includes : • Return flight Jakarta-Denpasar-Jakarta • 4 days/3 nights accommodation with breakfast • Excursions according to our program • Coach-bus trip to Garuda Wisnu Kencana (Jimbaran)-Mini Bali & Neka Gallery (Ubud)-Krisna Shop (Denpasar) • Surf at Kuta Beach • Attend Old-and-New gala Dinner by the Kuta Beach • Visit Nusa Penida island Organized by:Bali Tours Travel Inspired Every day Call 021 7036060 For all our hot deals and travel enquiries please contact us on : Jl. Bahagia 32 jakarta 13740;telp/fax 021 7037070; website www.balitours.com 1. Did the package tour offer visit to Nusa Penida Island ? a.Yes,it is. b.Yes,it did. c.Yes,it does. d.No,it isn’t e.No,it didn’t 2.The text belongs to …… a.news b.label c.instruction d.advertisement e.engagement 3.What is the text about ? It is about ……… a.New Year Holiday package Tour. b.Holy Land Pilgrimage Tour. c.A trip to New Zealand. d.A backpacker city tour. e.A trip to Denpasar and Lombok.


Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old illama. Each day the boy and his illama walked many miles,looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening,the illama died.The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What would he do ? He had no family and nohome. The boy cried for a long time, but there was nobody to comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky. Suddenly the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath.he was afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground.Slowly, the star took the shape of the old illama. She bent her head and drank from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of illama wool fell. As the sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool.It glowed in his hands like starlight. He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young illamas. He never forgot the star illama and he was never lonely again. 1.Did the boy have a family ? a.Yes, he did b.Yes, she did. c.No, he didn’t d.No, he doesn’t e.No, they didn’t 2.What animal did he have ? a.Monkey b.an ant c.an illama d.a snake e.a rabbit 3.What did the boy and his pet do every day ? a.walked many miles. c.Picked the wool. e.Watch TV b.Burried his pet. d.Sell noodles. 4.When did the illama die ? a.In the morning c.In the evening. e.last night b.In the afternoon. d.Yesterday. 5.Where did the boy burry the pet ? a.Next to a hill. c.next to a graveyard. e.In a river. b.Next to an icy stream d.Next to a house. 6.How did he feel after the pet had died ? a.Very happy b.very proud c.Very sad d.Very afraid e.very tired. 7.Who comforted him ? a.Nobody b.His uncle c.His aunt d.His father e.His mother 8.What happened with the star ? a.Moved up b.Fell down c.Run fast d.Jump up e.Swim 9.What did he do with the wool ? a. He sold them. . c.He forgot them e.He watched them. b.He bought them. d.He slaughtered. 10.The text belongs to………text, a.report b.descriptive c.recount d.procedure e.narrative


Making A Kite Things you need: 1. 3 pieces of cane (2 x 60 cm, 1x80 cm). 2. Thread. 3. Large sheet of strong paper. (e.g. tissue) 4. Soft pencil. 5. Scissors. 6. Paint and paint brush. 7. Glue. 8. Strong string. What to do: The frame. 1. First, dampen cane to make flexible. 2. Then, carefully, bend cane to desired shape, then tie securely with thread. The covering. 3.Lay frame on sheet of paper. 4.Trace around frame with pencil. 5.Cut covering approximately 1 cm larger than outline. 6.Paint bird on covering. 7.When paint gets dry, place frame on painted side. Now fold edges of Covering over the frame carefully, and then glue them. The bridle. 1.Cut 3 pieces of string. Each 20 cm long. 2.Secure one end of each string tightly to frame at the shoulders and tail of The bird. 3.Finally, tie the other end in a knot. 1.What is the goal of the text ? a.Making fried noodle. d.Making fried rice. b.Making a kite. e.Making fried bananas. c.Making chicken barbecue. 2.According to the text, you need……. a.flour. b.corn c.lettuce d.thread e.needle 3.According to the text, you don’t need …… a.glue b.string c.scissors d.oxtail e.paint 4.What do we dampen the cane for ? a.In order to make it flexible. d.In order to make it sweet. b.In order to make it straight. e.In order to make it curly. c.In order to make it. 5.The text is a …………………text. a.procedure b.recount c.narrative d.descritive e.legend


Dear grandpa and grandma, Yesterday at my school, we had an international Day. We had performance, foodstalls, displays, raffle ticket draw, and some of us were dressed in costumes. We started our day off with performances but the one I liked best was the one from fourth grade. We played games. The performance I was in is lambaba. Straight after our performances we had our lunch. There were fodstalls. They come from Australia, Asia, Arab, and Greece. Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell International Day Books. We had display in the hall.These displays were good, but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries. There were also a trash and treasure stall where they sold toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in. Although I didn’t win anything, International Day was still fun. 1.The text is a ………………… a.narrative text b.news item c.procedural text d.recount text e.exposition text 2.What event happened in the writer’s school ? a.singing contest d.dancing contest b.wrestling contest e.book sale c.International Day 3.Who was told in the story ? a.toys b.trash c.treasure d.performances e.Sue and her friends 4….stalls, displays, raffle ticket draw…(line 2-3) The synonym of the underlined word is…… a.admiration b.exhibition c.extremation d.distillation e.disturbance 5.What was the writer’s job in the event ? a.selling International Day Books. d.watching films. b.asking the children to bring them. e.winning anything. c.having performances.


Painting The Wall One morning, one of the witch’s friends came over to visit. When she looked around the room, she said, “Your house is ugly. My house is more beautiful than yours, and the walls are brighter.” The witch was very angry when she heards this and she shouted, “Get out of my house ! And don’t ever come back here !”. After her friend left, the witch looked around her house and she said to herself, “My friend was right. My house looks ugly and the paint is faded. I have to repaint it.” Then, she went to the shop and bought a can of paint. After lunch, she started to paint, and she worked very carefully. In the afternoon, she finished the lower part of her house. When she wanted to start painting the upper part,she found out that she couldn’t reach it. Then, she got an idea. “I will use my magic broom !”. She shouted, “Broom, oh my broom, turn into a paint brush and paint my walls.” Suddenly the broom turned into a paint brush and it started to paint the upper walls. It worked very fast, and in ten minutes all the job was done.The witch was very happy. 6.What is the text about ? a.a witch b.a student c.a teacher d.a disease e.a forest 7.Paragraph one is called …………………… a.resolution b.complication c.orientation d.thesis e.argument 8……when she heard this and….(line 3) The underlined word refers to ……. a.the witch’s friend’s sentences d.the witch’s house b.the witch’s broom e.the witch’s magic broom c.the witch’s paint brush 9.My house looks ugly. (line 6) The opposite of ugly is ……… a.tall b.high c.fat d.thick e.nice 10….she found out that she couldn’t reach it. (line 9-10) The word it refers to ………………….. a.the lower part b.the upper part c.the magic broom d.the paint e.the job 1.What made the witch angry ? a.The witch was very happy. d.It started to paint the upper walls. b.She worked very carefully. e.The witch’s friend sentences. c.My house looks ugly. 2.What did she say to her guest when she got angry? a.”I will use my magic broom.” d.”Broom, oh my broom.” b.”Paint my walls.” e.”My friend was right.” c.”Get out of my house !.” 3.How did the witch solve the problem ? (paragraph 3) a.She would use her magic broom. d.She will use my magic broom. b.She shouted to her broom. e.She painted the upper part. c.She worked very fast. 4.In the afternoon she finished the lower part of her house. (line 8-9) The opposite of finished is ………………. a.watch b.write c.wish d.begin e.behalf 5.The ending is ……… a.good b.bad c.done d.congratulate e.struggle


Romeo And Juliet The quarrel between two feuding families in Verona, the rich Capulets and the Montagues, grew bad even deadly. One day, Old Lord Capulets invited all the noble people in Verona, except the Montagues, for a dinner at his house. Romeo Montague knew that Rosaline, the girl whom he admired, was at the feast. Therefore, he and his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, went there in masks hoping to see her. But,Romeo was suddenly struck with the exceeding beauty of another lady whom he saw dancing there. After the dance, Romeo watched the place where the lady stood; under favour of his masking habbit, took her by the hand and kissed it, but the lady was unfortunately called away to her mother. Knowing that the lady was young Juliet, a daughter and heir to the Lord Capulet, the great enemy of the Montagues, troubled Romeo.Juliet shocked when she found that the gentleman whom she had talked to Romeo, a Montague. At midnight, Romeo and his companions departed. But, Romeo leaped the wall at the back of Juliet’s house. Juliet cried out her heart and said, “O, Romeo, Romeo! Where are you, Romeo?” “Look kind on me,lady, because I can’t live without your love,”said Romeo. “How come you into this place,”said Juliet, startled “and by whose direction ?” “Love directed me, “answered Romeo. She said three or four words more to Romeo that if his love was indeed honorable, she would send a messenger to him tomorrow to appoint a time for their marriage. So, in the morning their hands were joined in a holly marriage. Questions: 1.Where is the setting of the story ? It is in ………… a.Napel b.Roma c.Cagliari d.Verona e.Vicensa 2.Who is the main character ? a.Bonvolio b.Matteo c.Phillipo d.Alessandro e.Romeo 3.What is the conflict of the story ? a.Juliet is the daughter of the Chapulets. b.Juliet is the daughter of the Montagues. c.Bonvolio fell in love. d.Mercutio wore a mask. e.The Chapulets held a dinner. 4.One day, Old Lord Capulets invited all the noble people in Verona… The synonym of noble is …… a.honorable b.applicable c.feeble d.grumble e.enable 5.Therefore he and his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio… The word his refers to …… a.Benvolio b.Montague c.Capulet d.Romeo e.Rosaline 6….Romeo watched the place where the lady stood; under favor of his masking habbit, he took her by the hand… The word her refers to ….. a.Benvolio b.Juliet c.The queen d.Rosaline e.Angeline 7.Why did Romeo feel worried of Juliet ? Because ……. a.she was a Montague d.he was a Mercutio b.she was a Capulets e.he was a citizen of Verona. c.he was beautiful. 8.At midnight, Romeo and his companions departed. The synonym of companions is … a.foes b.enemy c.fares d.hoes e.fellows 9.She would send a messenger to him tomorrow to appoint a time … The synonym of appoint is… a.arrow b.arrested c.arrange d.arrived e.artificial 10.The moral value of the story is ….. a.His masking habbit made him joined the feast. b.Love might join two quarrelling groups. c.The feast can make the noble families united. d.Love can encourage the noble families. e.Holly marriage is the primary objective.


Nowadays there are many houses that are built on productive ricefields. This fact really has some negative effects. First, if a new building built on a productive ricefield, the number of farm fields will decrease. Then, the production of food will also reduce. Second, farmers will loose the source of income and go to cities to look for jobs they are not skilled at. Third, if the production of food reduces, we must import rice from other countries to fulfil; our needs. Based on these facts, I think people should not build houses on productive fields. Instead, they can build their houses on unproductive land or just build attics on their old houses. Adapted from:Marta Yuliani, M.Purwati, English for A Better Life for Senior High School Students Grade XI Socialand Science Studies,Bandung, Pakar Raya, 2006. 1.Building houses on productive ricefields has some negative Effects. This is a ……of the text. a.reason b.argument c.event d.statement e.background 2.First, if a new building built on a productive ricefield, the number Of farm fields will decrease. This is an …….of the text. a.source b.steps c.title d.argument e.statement 3.Which statement below is true according to the text ? a.People can freely build their houses. b.People can build hotels everywhere. c.The government must build houses for the poor. d.People should build their houses on unproductive land. e.The government should give free education for its citizens 4….the number of farm fields will decrease… The antonym of decrease is …. a.increase b.insist c.interest d.introduce e.intelligence 5.The text belongs to ….text. a.legends b.fable c.myth d.hortatory exposition e.information report


One day, Nasreddin had been invited to a dinner party. He went to the party by wearing old clothes. When he arrived at the party, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat. He got no food in the party .So he went home and change his clothes. Next he put on his best clothes. He wore his newest coat and went to the party again. The host at once got up and came to meet him. The host offered him the best table and gave him a good seat and served him the best food. Nasreddin sat, put off his coat, and said, “Eat the food, coat!” The host and the guests were very surprised.They asked Nasreddin,”What are you doing ?” Nasreddin replied calmly,”When I came here with my old bad clothes, nobody looked at me.Then, I went home and put on my best clothes. I came back in my newest coat and you all give me the best food and drink. So, you give the food to my coat instead of me” 1.Did anybody welcome Nasreddin at the party ? a.Yes,he was c.Yes,he did e.No,he didn’t b.Yes,they were d.No,he isn’t 2.Why did nobody give him a seat ? It is because of …… a.his seat b.her food c.his robe d. busy e.crowded 3.Why did the host welcome him then ? It is because of …… a.his face b.his hospitality c.his wealth d.his clothes e.his guest 4.The twist of the story is when …….. a.Nasreddin wore his old bad clothes. b.The host served him the best food. c.The host greeted him. d.The host said,”What are you doing ?” e.Nasreddin said,”You gave the food to my coat instead of me.” 5.They asked Nasreddin,”What are you doing ?” The word they refers to …….. a.nobody b.somebody c.Nasreddin d.the host e.the host and the guests 6.”Eat the food, coat” The synonym of eat is …… a.dense b.devour c.device d.deny e.depart 7.The text belongs to …….. a.spoof c.analytical exposition text e.procedure text b.news item d.hortatory exposition text


Yuni Shara is an Indonesian singer. She is the elder sister of singer Krisdayanti. Yuni Shara was born as Wahyu Setyaning Budi in Batu, Malang.Her first debute was in a music festival called Festival Bintang Radio Dan Televisi in 1987 when she was fifteen years old, and she won the 2nd place. In 1989, Yuni shara participated in the same festival and she managed to win the first place. This is where she was offered a record deal by Billboard. Yuni Shara released her first record in 1990 titled Jatuh Cinta Lagi which means Falling in Love Again in English. In 1991 she released another record titled Hilang Permataku, in 1992 she released Salah Tingkah. Her career peaked with the release of the record Mengapa Tiada Maaf in 1995. The record sold 1.5 million copies, and BASF awarded her with four platinum records. She also received three more platinum record for the Indonesian version of the soundtrack to the martial arts TV series return of the Condor Heroes. Source :August 5, 2009.http://indonesiafamous.blogspot.com/&usg 1.Where was Yuni Shara born ? a.Surabaya b.Kediri c.Jember d.Tanggul e.Batu 2.When did she win the 2nd place in Festival BRTV ? a.1986 b.1987 c.1988 d.1989 e.1990 3.When did she win the 1st place in Festival BRTV ? a.1986 b.1987 c.1988 d.1989 e.1990 4.When did Billboard offer a record deal to her ? a.1986 b.1987 c.1988 d.1989 e.1990 5.Why did BASF award her with four platinum records ? It is because ……. a.she released a new album. d.she managed to win the 1st place b.she released a first record. e.the record sold 1.5 million copies c.she was awarded a platinum. 6.What record did she release in 1990 ? a.Jatuh Cinta Lagi c.Salah Tingkah e.Hilang Permataku b.Mengapa Tiada Maaf d.Return of the Condor Heroes 7.The text belongs to …………. a.news item b.description c.narration d.adventure e.fable


Strong Earthquake Jolts Nias Islands JAKARTA(AP): A 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck off the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatera Island early Wednesday, killing one person and injuring five, officials said. The quake struck at 12:15 a.m. local time (17:15 GMT),about 24 kilometres (15 miles) west of Nias Island, according to the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency. It was centered about 10 kilometres beneath the Indian Ocean. One person was killed and five injured on Nias Island, said Rustam Pakaya, head of Indonesia’s Health Ministry crisis Centre. Indonesia, which straddles a series of active fault lines, is prone to seismic and volcanic activity. A giant earthquake along the same coast spawned the large tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people in a number of countries in December 2004. 1.When did the earthquake happen ? It happened at ……a.m. a.08.15 b.09.15 c.10.15 d.11.15 e.12.15 2.How many victims killed of the earthquake were there ? a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 3.Where was the epicentrum of the earthquake ? a.at 12.15 a.m d.on early Wednesday b.in December 2004 e.about ten kilometers beneath the c.more than 23,000 people. Indian Ocean. 4.Where did the giant earthquake in December 2004 happen ? a.in Sumatera b.in Sulawesi c.in Kalimantan d.In Timor e.in Bali 5.The genre of the text is ……. a.recount b.narration c.procedure d.description e.news item.


Most people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Indra and Andri, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ a great deal in appearance and lifestyle. Indra, the younger one, has long curly hair and a beard. He is quite thin and tall. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. Sometimes he looks untidy. He is a university student. Since the university is near our home. He rides his bicycle to school. In his free time, Indra goes to the movies and plays soccer. My brother Andri, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Indra. He has shorter , straighter hair. He has a moustache but no beard. He is well built, but slightly shorter than Indra. His clothes are also more conservative than Indra’s. As he works in a bank, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives a car to his downtown office. In his spare time, he goes bowling and plays chess. My friends cannot believe that Indra and Andri are twin brothers because they seem so different. 1.Does Indra have a moustache ? a.Yes,he does c.Yes,she does e.No.he doesn’t b.Yes, he is d.No, she isn’t 2.Does Indra have straight hair ? a.Yes,she do c.No,she don’t e.No,he doesn’t b.yes,he does d.No,he don’t 3.Who likes bowling ? a.the writer b.Indra c.Andri d.her father e.her mother 4.From the text, we can make a conclusion that ….. a.Indra and Andri are similar. d.Two sisters can be similar. b.Two brothers are similar. e.Twin brothers may be different. c.The writers are twin. 5.The text belongs to …… a.narative b.love story c.procedure d.description e.recount


New York is the largest city in The United states ,the home of the United nations and the centre of global finance, communications and business. New York city is unusual among cities because of its high residential density, its extraordinarily diverse population, its hundreds of tall office and apartment buildings, its thriving central business district, its extensive public transportation system, and its more than 400 distinct neighbourhoods. The city’s concert houses, museums, galleries and theatres constitute an ensemble of cultural richness rivaled by few cities. In 2000, the population of the city of New York was 8,008,278. The population of the metropolitan region was 21,199,865. New York city consists of five boroughs . They are Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, the Bronx ,and Manhattan. There are so many attractive places in the city. One of its most popular landmark is the Statue of Liberty. It is a symbol of freedom for many immigrants. It was one of the first sight to welcome immigrants arriving in the United States. The statue stands 93 m (305 feet) tall on Liberty Island in New York harbour. It was designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and is a gift from France commemorating the first centennial of US independence from Britain. New York’s 250 museums cater to every specialty and every taste. It has museums in such fields as natural history, broadcasting, fire-fighting , crafts,and ethnic cultures. As the world’s greatest art centre, New York City has more than 400 galleries and is a mecca for artists, art dealers , and collectors. Madison avenue between 57th and 86th Streets is the most important locale for galleries , but dozens of others are located in SoHo (South of Houston Street) and adjoining neighbourhoods. New York also has a famous botanical garden. It is called Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 21 hectare (52 Acre) botanic Garden, located in the borough of Brooklyn,in New York City. The garden includes such attractions as the Children’s Garden, the first of its kind in the world. 1.What is the text about ? a.Washington DC b.Los Angeles c.San Fransisco d.Detroit e.New York 2.The home of the United Nations is in…….. a.Mexico City b.Perth c.New York d.Hobart e.London 3.New York City consists of ……….boroughs. a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 4.In 2000 the population of New York City was ……… a.8,008,278 b.8,800,278 c.8,008,872 d.8,800,782 e.8,008,728 5.Where is the New York famous botanical garden located ? a.in Manhattan b.in Brooklyn c.in Queens d.in Bronx e.in Staten Islan 6.What is the symbol of freedom for many immigrants ? a.SoHo b.Madison Avenue c.Children’s garden d.the Statue of Liberty e.the Bronx 7.One of its most popular landmarks is the Statue of Liberty. The word its refers to……. a.Paris b.Geneve c.Tokyo d.Berlin e.New York 8.It was designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi… The word it refers to …….. a.the statue of Liberty b.The Brooklyn Botanic Garden c.The Madison Avenue d.The galleries e.the museum 9….from France commemorating the first centennial of US independence from Britain. The underlined word means……… a.ignore b.commerce c.memorize d.compel e.common 10.The text belongs to …… a.recount b.procedure c.spoof d.analytical exposition e.information report


Many years ago, there lived in Madura, Ragapadmi, a beautiful young woman, wife of a king. She won fame for being the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. But, all of a sudden, she began to suffer from a disease. It spoiled her skin which before was as smooth as silk. All medicine was useless. Nobody could cure her. The king made a decision. He made her leave the palace and sent her away with Bangsacara, his favourite courtier. He ordered them to marry. Bangsacara wanted to reject Ragapadmi because she was sick. But, he was afraid of the king. Therefore, he asked his mother to let Ragapadmi stay patiently to take good care of Ragapadmi and tried to cure her. Before long, Ragapadmi really recovered. When Bangsacara returned to the village a week later, he was very surprised to find that Ragapadmi had recovered.She was even more beautiful than she had been before. Soon, they fell in love with each other and they lived in the village happily. After Bangsacara and Ragapadmi married, Bangsacara often forgot his duty and did not go to the palace. The king became very angry with him. When his prime minister told him that Ragapadmi had recovered and she was even more beautiful, the king wanted to reclaim her. With the prime minister’s help, he tried to find a way to kill Bangsacara. He told him that there was a dangerous enemy on a small island to the south east of Madura. He told him to go there to fight him. Actually, there was no enemy. Instead, there were the king’s soldiers who killed him as soon as he arrived. 1.Was Ragapadmi a beautiful young woman ? a.No, she was b.No, he was c.Yes, she was d.Yes, he was e.Yes, she was not 2.What did she begin to suffer from ? a.skin disease b.sore eye c.ear disease d.sore throat e.pneumonia 3.Who made Ragapadmi leave the palace ? a.the soldier b.the queen c.the minister d.the judge e.the king 4.Whom did the king tell to marry Ragapadmi ? a.Wijaya b.Wiraraja c.Bangsacara d.Bangsamiun e.Kertajaya 5.Why did Bangsacara refuse to marry her ? It is because she was ……….. a.beautiful b.well c.fat d.unwell e.pretty 6.Whom did he ask to take good care of Ragapadmi ? a.his mother b.his father c.his uncle d.his granny e.his aunty 7.Why was Bangsacara very surprised to see Ragapadmi ? It is because ………… a.she was more beautiful than before. c.she was fatter than before. e.she was taller than before. b.she was slimmer than before. d.she was sweeter than honey. 8.Why did the king get very angry with Bangsacara ? It is because ……………… a.he was in a day off. c.he had to plough the field. e.he had to harvest the paddy. b.he was very brave. d.he forgot his duty. 9.Why did the king try to kill Bangsacara ? It is because ……………… a.the king demanded the woman back. c.Bangsacara was a badboy. e. the prime minister was greedy b.the people hated him. d.the villagers really liked him. 10.What kind of ending does the story have ? a.good b.happy c.sad d.interested e.impressive 11.The text belongs to ……………..text. a.recount b.procedure c.report d.news item e.narrative 12.What is the social purpose of the text ? a.Entertaining the readers. c.Giving instruction to the readers. e.Discussing a case. b.Giving information to the readers. d.Entertaining readers using a twist. 13.The following characters are antagonistic. Except ………… a.the king b.the queen c.the prime minister d.the soldiers e.the enemy 14.When his prime minister told him that Ragapadmi had recovered… (paragraph 4). The underlined word refers to ……………. a.Ragapadmi b.Bangsacara c.the King d.the mother e.the Prime minister 15.The moral lesson of the story is …………….. a. Physical appearance may deceive us. c.Playing a trick is important. e.The haves can suppress the poors b.We must choose a beautiful wife. d.We must obey a king.

Contoh soal teks analytical exposition,

Most of us have facebook accounts, right ? It helps us communicate with friends. However, in fact, this social network has greater bad effects. You know, facebook can make us addicted. Here are the reasons. First, you will forget your main duty when you chat with friends in the facebook. You will lose your time. Second, you make gossips and talk something unnecessary. Third, suppose you send something secret or personal to your close friend. You don’t realize that all your friends in the facebook may read it. This would make you embarrassed . Fourth, you will lose a lot of money when you use mobiles because it needs credits. On the other hand, your parents may pay some extra money for the electric bill because you use your computer at home. Fifth, you may become cyber crimes’ victims. So, let’s watch over our time when we chat in the facebook. Spend our time effectively. 1.The text shows contra to …………………… a.pollution b.recycling c.fast food d.piracy e.facebook 2.However, in fact, this social network has greater bad effects. (line 2) The sentence is called ………. a.a thesis b.an argument c.a reason d.a reiteration e.an advice 3.How many reasons does the writer propose ? a.one b.two c.three d.four e.five 4.If we send something personal to our close friend, it may make us embarrassed. Why ? It is because ……………. a.we may become cyber crimes’ victims. c.we can spend our time effectively. e.it makes us addicted. b.we may forget our main duty. d.all of our friends in the facebook may read it.. 5.The social purpose of the text is ……………….the readers. a.entertaining b.giving information to c.giving instruction d.persuading e.arguing a case 6.This would make you embarrassed. (line 5) The synonym of embarrassed is ………….. a.lazy b.happy c.brave d.afraid e.ashamed 7.It helps us communicate with friends. (line 1) The synonym of communicate is …………… a.in touch with b.concern c.compete d.comprehend e.compliment 8.Spend our time effectively. (line 8) The synonym of spend is …………………… a.understand b.undergo c.use up d.useless e.undress Do you know that smoking is very dangerous for you ? It can lead to both major and minor health problems for the smokers. A smoker inhales a substance which contains 43 carcinogenic compounds. What is carcinogen ? It is a compound which causes cancer. Moreover, a smoker also inhales four hundreds other toxins including nicotine and tar ! Nicotine leads to smoking addiction. Tar clogs the lungs and inhibits the body’s capacity to breathe. It causes lung and throat cancer, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis and lung disorders. Another thing is people who don’t smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking through breathing in second-hand smoke from smokers’ cigarette. There may still be smoke particles in the air even if it doesn’t seem smoky. Let me tell you about the dangers of passive smoking. Particles from smoke in the air are smaller than that of drawn directly from a cigarette. They can penetrate deeper into the lungs. A non-smoker who lives with a smoker may be exposed to about 1% of their tobacco smoke from passive smoking. This can increase their chances of developing lung cancer or dying from a heart attack. The same thing happens to people who work in a smoky atmosphere. These are the reasons why smoking are very dangerous. 9.According to the writer, is smoking very dangerous ? a.No, it is not. b.No, she is not c.Yes,is. d.yes, he is. e.yes, it is not. 10.How many carcinogenic compounds are there in a cigarette? a.42 b.43 c.44 d.45 e.46 11.What does nicotine cause to ? a.addiction b.headache c.dizzy d.drunken e.sore eye 12.It causes lung and throat cancer… (paragraph 1) The word it refers to…………….. a.smoker b.pipe c.particle d.atmosphere e.tar 13.Does a smoker make a passive smoker suffered ? a.Yes, he does. b.Yes, he was c.Yes, it is d.No, he doesn’t e.No, she doesn’t 14.Why does a passive smoker increase the chances of developing lung cancer ? It is because ………. a.he may be exposed to about 1 % of their tobacco smoke from passive smoking. b.A smoker inhales 43 carcinogenic compounds. c.A smoker inhales tar and nicotine. d.people who don’t smoke also suffer the effects of passive smoking. e.it is a compound that causes cancer. 15.The text belongs to an ………………………………text. a.information report b.news item c.spoof d.procedure e.analytical exposition

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Contoh soal teks report,narrative,procedure,recount.

Contoh soal teks Report . Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d,or e ! Earthquake often happens around us.It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims. Actually there are three kinds of earthquake.these kinds of earthquake are commonly based on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion. A tectonic earthquake is most common one. This kind of earthquake happens while earth’s crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth’s plates. Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava,which dries quickly, when it dries quickly, it blocks the top of the volcano.This makes no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano. Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns. 1.The text is a ………………….. a.recount b.procedure c.news d.report e.narration 2.According to the text, earthquake is …………………………… a.eatable b.understandable c.untouchable d.bearable e.unpredictable 3. How many kinds of earthquake are there ? a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5 4.Which earthquake is the most common ? a.tectonic b.volcanic c.eruption d.explosion e tsunami 5.Which one is the small earthquake ? a.tectonic b.volcanic c.explosion d.ocean e.tsunami Contoh soal teks narrative(horror story). Little Jimmy lived with his mother and father in a big house. He slept on one side of the wing while his parents slept on the other side. But, he wasn’t scared. He had a TV, a radio, and a toy robot. Sometimes when he couldn’t go to sleep, he would watch TV, or listen to his radio, or play with his toy robot. Well, one night, he was about to go to sleep. The TV went on.He stared at it. Then, it turned off. He thought that was strange, but still tried to go to sleep.Then, the radio went on. He started to get a little frightened. Suddenly, a deep, loud voice spoke over the music saying, “Get out of my room.” Now he was really scared. He hid under the covers when he heard a noise. He looked up and saw his toy robot walking around the room. It stopped and stared at him. He looked at his right and the remote was floating in midair ! He jumped out of his bed crying and screaming. But, before he could reach the door, it shut locked on him ! Since the lock is outside the door, he couldn’t get out. His mother was passing and heard him screaming. She ran to him and screamed, “Jimmy ! Jimmy!” The lights turned off and on. The window opened and closed. And the closet opened and closed. The TV,radio, and toy robot went crazy.Then, the voice came to him again saying, “Get out of my room !” He screamed and cried. Finally, it all stopped and his mother ran to his side and carried him back to their room. The next night Jimmy was gone. No one could find him. Source :http://www.dark-nite.com 1.Did Jimmy sleep alone ? a.No, he isn’t b.No,he wasn’t c.No,he didn’t d.Yes, he is. e.Yes, he did. 2.Why was it strange in the boy’s room ? It was strange that ………………….. a.the TV was moved. c.the door was locked e.the water was flowing. b.the toy robot was moved. d.the radio was turned down. 3.What made the boy frightened ? a.A ghost came up in front of him. b.A wild monster scared him. c.Someone came and helped him. d.The house was too big for him. e.The door shut locked on him. 4.He started to get a little frightened. What is the synonym of frightened ? a.dreadful b.harmful c.colourful d.plentiful e.faithful Contoh soal teks procedure. How to operate a blender 1. Make sure the switch is off. 2. Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed. 3. Put the lid on. 4. Place the container on the motor housing. 5. Plug in the cable. 6. Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision blending. When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for adding things in the middle of the blender lid. 7. After grinding, press the switch off. 8. Unplug the cable. 1.The text belongs to ………………………..text. a.recount b.Procedural c.narrative d.news item e.descriptive 2.What is the goal of the text ? a.How to make a cup of coffee. d.How to make fried rice. b.How to make cupcakes. e.How to operate a blender. c.How to operate a fan. 3.Are there any ingredients ? a.Yes, there are. c.Yes, there is. e.No,there isn’t. b.No, there aren’t . d.No, they aren’t. 4.What does the manual tell you ? a.How to grind coffee beans. d.How to operate a mixer. b.How touse a blender. e.How to insert a cord. c.How to make use a fridge. 5.What do you do when you want to add seasonings ? a.open the lid. b.open the small closure on the lid. c.Plug in the cable. d.Place the container on the motor housing. e.Unplug the cable. Contoh soal teks recount Last Sunday, I went to Gembira Loka Zoo.In Yogya.I went there with my teachers and classmates on school holiday. Arriving there, there had already been so many visitors. Most of them were students. They were spending their holiday.we saw many kinds of animals from from our country and foreign countries.Most of them were in cages. In the middle of the zoo, there was a river with various flowers on its bank and some souvenirs sellers. After three hours of walking around the zoo,we felt very tired and take a rest. In the afternoon, we went home at 02:00 o’clock p.m. We arrived at Solo at 05:00 p.m. Next holiday,we plan to visit Surabaya. But, we are not going to take a bus anymore. We plan to go there by train. We felt very happy. 1.Did the writer go to Gembira Loka Zoo last Sunday ? a.Yes, he does. c.No, he didn’t . e.No,she didn’t. b.Yes, he did. d.No,he does. 2.Where is the zoo located ? a.In Surabaya. c.In Denpasar. e.In Yogyakarta. b.In Jakarta. d.In Solo. 3.How did the writer get there ? a.By train b.By bus c.By car d.By bike e.By motorbike 4.How long were they in the zoo ? a.1 hour b.2 hours c.3 hours d.4 hours e.5 hours 5.The text belongs to …... a.fable b.recount c.report d.narrative e.legend