Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Descriptive text is a kind of long functional text which describe a particular person, place, animal or thing. The social purpose of the text is to give information to its readers about the person, place, animal or thing in a certain way. The text consists of two parts namely identification and description. The grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Present Tense, adjectives, relating verbs, thinking verbs, action verbs, adverb of manner, and noun phrases. Look at this example of descriptive text www.englishdirection.com>descriptive

Diary is a kind of short functional text which record events, transaction or observations at frequent intervals. In a diary, you may write your secret. You may begin with day and date. Sometimes you may write your diary freely. It means you do not need to notice the grammatical rules. Look at the examples of diary at asevativirus.wordpress.com/.../contoh-diary-dalam...

Discussion  is a kind of long functional text which discusses a topic which is supported by some arguments from the pros and the cons sides. It has a recommendation in the end of the text. The social purpose is to give information about current and controversial issues. Its grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Present Tense, connectives, adverbs of manner, and thinking verbs. Its structure consists of topic or issue, argument from the pros, argument from the cons, and recommendation. See the examples of discussion text at  www.englishdirection.com>Discussion.

Explanation  is a kind of long functional text which explain natural phenomena, culture, and social science.Its social purpose is to tell the readers how or why something happened. Its structure consists of a general statement and a series of explanation. Its grammatical pattern includes the use of Simple Present Tense, Passive Voice, and connectives. See the examples of explanation text at www.englishdirection.com/.../16-contoh-explanation.

Headline is a kind of short functional text at the top of a newspaper article. Headlines are often in much larger type size than the article text follows it. It is simple and direct. It indicates the content of the article. For examples of headlines, see at www.copypress.com/.../34-headlines-the-good-the...

Hortatory exposition or argumentative text is a kind of long functional text which presents argumentation
in a such a way that its readers do something as the writer wants. Its social purpose is to persuade the readers. Its structure consists of thesis or general statement, argument, and suggestion or recommendation.
Its grammatical pattern includes the use of  Simple Present Tense, Passive Voice, connectives, action verbs, thinking verbs, abstract nouns, modal adverbs, and evaluative words. Examples of hortatory exposition text can be seen at  www.englishdirection.com/...kumpulan-lengkap-co...

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