Rabu, 04 Desember 2013



Advertisement is a kind of short functional text which contains persuasive information. The social purpose of this text is to persuade its readers to buy a certain product or a service. The language used in this text is aimed at raising the readers' interest. See the example of advertisement at http://www.myseofighter.com>MARKET ONLINE

Analytical Exposition Text is a kind of long functional text which proposes a certain topic which may only be pro or contra (not both of them). This text presents an opinion, called a thesis, which is supported by one or more arguments and a reiteration which is a reinforcement of the thesis. The social purpose is to persuade its readers to support the thesis.The common grammatical patterns in this text include the use of:
general nouns, abstract nouns, technical words, relating verbs, action verbs, thinking verbs, modal verbs, modal adverbs, connectives, and evaluative language.For example of  analytical exposition text see https://docs.google.com/document/d.../edit-

Anecdote Text is a kind of long functional text which presents an uncommon story told jokingly. The social purpose is to entertain and to give a certain moral value to its readers in a funny way. This text contains abstract, orientation, crisis or events, response or reaction, and closing. The common grammatical patterns in this text include the use of the simple past tense, imperatives, action verb, and connectives.For examples of anecdotes, see http:www.studyflight.ru/humour/funny-stories.shtm/ 

Blurb is a kind of short functional text which summarize a novel or story.It is usually on the back cover of a novel. The social purpose is to persuade its readers to read the novel. It contains a short explanation of the main character, his situation and a mystery in a such a way that the readers become interested to read the novel. For example of blurb, see tanggapustaka.com/.../meningkatkan-nilai-buku.mel

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