Rabu, 11 Desember 2013


Label is a kind of short functional text which contains information of a certain product. It is attached to a container of a product.See the example at http://www.recipemgr.com.
Food label contains nutrition facts.It contains amount of serving and amount of nutrition.

Memo or memorandum  is a kind of short functional text which contains some basic information in less formal form than a letter. The purpose is to give directives. Its sentences are written shortly. The format is as follow :
To : the name of the receiver
CC: people that the sender is copying the memo to.
From:the name of the sender.
Date:the date when the sender wrote the memo.
Subject:the subject heading.
 (the message)
Signature (optional)

Narrative is a kind of long functional one which tells an imaginative story. Its purpose is to amuse its readers.
It includes fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, and slice of life. The structure consists of orientation, complication or events, and resolution. The grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Past Tense, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, action verbs, saying verbs, and nouns. See the example at http://www.englishdirection.com

News or news item is a kind of long functional text which gives a written public information of important events of the day. The purpose is to give information to people. The structure is newsworthy events, background events, and source. The grammatical patterns include the use  of Simple Past Tense, action verbs, saying verbs, and adverbs. The news contains 5W+H (what, who, when, where, why and how).
See the example at http://www.englishdirection.com

Notice is a kind of short functional text which instructs people to do or not to do something. It uses simple word. The purpose is to give information, instruction, and warning. The example is:
For Staff Only

Postcard or postal card is a kind of short functional text which contains message written by somebody on vacation. It is a small card having an interesting picture on one side and a limited space for message on the other. The purpose is to give simple information to the readers. See the example athttp://www.ihbristol.com

Poster is a kind of short functional text which contains information of events, music, film, propagandist, protester, education, or artist. Typically, a poster include both textual and graphic elements. It is designed to be eye-catching.

Procedure is a kind of long functional text which tells the readers how to do or to make something. The purpose is to give instruction how to do or to make something through some steps. The structure is title, goal, materials or ingredients, and steps. The grammatical patterns include the use of imperatives, connectives, action verbs, and adverbs. see the example at http://www.englishdirection.com

Recount is a kind of long functional text which tells a sequence of past events. Biography is an example of recount text. The purpose is similar to those of narrative. Narratives contains conflict, but recount does not..
The structure is orientation, events, and closing.The grammatical patterns include the use of  Simple Past Tense, conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and action verbs. See the example at http;//englishdirection.com

Response or review is a kind of long functional text which give judgement to an artistic work. the purpose is to respond to an artistic work. The structure is context of artistic work, description of artistic work, and judgement.
The grammatical patterns include the use of descriptive language and words expressing judgement. See the example at http://www.englishdirection.com

Spoof is a kind of long functional text which tells a past factual story followed by an unpredictable twist. The purpose is to entertain the readers. The structure is orientation, events, and twist. The grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Past Tense, adverbs, and action verbs. See the example at

Tips is a kind of long functional text which gives advice about something practical . Tips can be spoken for example on a radio or TV. It can be written for example in a magazine or a newspaper.

Weather forecast or weather report is a kind of short functional text which describe what the weather will be like tomorrow. It can be found on a radio or TV.


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Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


Instruction or Direction for use is a kind of long functional text telling how to use something. Instruction can be found on food or medicine label. See the example of this text at http;//sheldonbrown.com/
The social purpose is to help someone in using something.The grammatical pattern includes Imperatives.

Information report or report is a kind of long functional text which report the result of an observation of something such as animal,building or a city. Its social purpose is to draw a general inference. A report consists of  a general statement and descriptions. The grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Present Tense, technical words, general nouns, action verbs, and relating verbs. The examples of the text can be seen at www.pdst.ie>...>Report genre.

Invitation is a kind of a short functional text which invites someone to attend a particular event.There are two kinds of invitation : friendly and business. The friendly one is less formal. It is sent for inviting someone to for instance, a birthday or a marriage. The business  is more formal. It is used to invite for instance, a client to a meeting in a company. See the examples at letters.sampleinvitationletter.info/

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Descriptive text is a kind of long functional text which describe a particular person, place, animal or thing. The social purpose of the text is to give information to its readers about the person, place, animal or thing in a certain way. The text consists of two parts namely identification and description. The grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Present Tense, adjectives, relating verbs, thinking verbs, action verbs, adverb of manner, and noun phrases. Look at this example of descriptive text www.englishdirection.com>descriptive

Diary is a kind of short functional text which record events, transaction or observations at frequent intervals. In a diary, you may write your secret. You may begin with day and date. Sometimes you may write your diary freely. It means you do not need to notice the grammatical rules. Look at the examples of diary at asevativirus.wordpress.com/.../contoh-diary-dalam...

Discussion  is a kind of long functional text which discusses a topic which is supported by some arguments from the pros and the cons sides. It has a recommendation in the end of the text. The social purpose is to give information about current and controversial issues. Its grammatical patterns include the use of Simple Present Tense, connectives, adverbs of manner, and thinking verbs. Its structure consists of topic or issue, argument from the pros, argument from the cons, and recommendation. See the examples of discussion text at  www.englishdirection.com>Discussion.

Explanation  is a kind of long functional text which explain natural phenomena, culture, and social science.Its social purpose is to tell the readers how or why something happened. Its structure consists of a general statement and a series of explanation. Its grammatical pattern includes the use of Simple Present Tense, Passive Voice, and connectives. See the examples of explanation text at www.englishdirection.com/.../16-contoh-explanation.

Headline is a kind of short functional text at the top of a newspaper article. Headlines are often in much larger type size than the article text follows it. It is simple and direct. It indicates the content of the article. For examples of headlines, see at www.copypress.com/.../34-headlines-the-good-the...

Hortatory exposition or argumentative text is a kind of long functional text which presents argumentation
in a such a way that its readers do something as the writer wants. Its social purpose is to persuade the readers. Its structure consists of thesis or general statement, argument, and suggestion or recommendation.
Its grammatical pattern includes the use of  Simple Present Tense, Passive Voice, connectives, action verbs, thinking verbs, abstract nouns, modal adverbs, and evaluative words. Examples of hortatory exposition text can be seen at  www.englishdirection.com/...kumpulan-lengkap-co...

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013



Advertisement is a kind of short functional text which contains persuasive information. The social purpose of this text is to persuade its readers to buy a certain product or a service. The language used in this text is aimed at raising the readers' interest. See the example of advertisement at http://www.myseofighter.com>MARKET ONLINE

Analytical Exposition Text is a kind of long functional text which proposes a certain topic which may only be pro or contra (not both of them). This text presents an opinion, called a thesis, which is supported by one or more arguments and a reiteration which is a reinforcement of the thesis. The social purpose is to persuade its readers to support the thesis.The common grammatical patterns in this text include the use of:
general nouns, abstract nouns, technical words, relating verbs, action verbs, thinking verbs, modal verbs, modal adverbs, connectives, and evaluative language.For example of  analytical exposition text see https://docs.google.com/document/d.../edit-

Anecdote Text is a kind of long functional text which presents an uncommon story told jokingly. The social purpose is to entertain and to give a certain moral value to its readers in a funny way. This text contains abstract, orientation, crisis or events, response or reaction, and closing. The common grammatical patterns in this text include the use of the simple past tense, imperatives, action verb, and connectives.For examples of anecdotes, see http:www.studyflight.ru/humour/funny-stories.shtm/ 

Blurb is a kind of short functional text which summarize a novel or story.It is usually on the back cover of a novel. The social purpose is to persuade its readers to read the novel. It contains a short explanation of the main character, his situation and a mystery in a such a way that the readers become interested to read the novel. For example of blurb, see tanggapustaka.com/.../meningkatkan-nilai-buku.mel

Senin, 25 November 2013

Announcement is a kind of short functional text. It gives information to public. It needs attention. They are both written and spoken announcement. Examples of announcement
The spoken announcemet usually begins with an expression for instance, your  attention, please, and is ended by an expression of thank. In composing an announcement, you should write it simple, short, clear, and eye-catching.